Welcomer Commands

Welcomer Setup Command

Enable/Disable Welcomer:

/welcomer setup enable/disable

Add a Channel, where the Welcome Message will be sent:

/welcomer setup channel [channel]

Customize Welcomer Card

Change the Welcomer Card Size to full/half/disable:

/welcomer card disable/half/full

Add a Card Background for the Welcomer Card:

/welcomer card background [imagelink]

Change the Title of the Welcomer Card:

/welcomer card title [text]

Change the Bottom Text of the Welcomer Card:

/welcomer card text [text]

Change the Text Color on the Welcomer Card:

/welcomer card textcolor [hexcolor]

Customize Welcomer Message

Change the Title of the Welcomer Message:

/welcomer message title [message]

Change the Description of the Welcomer Message:

/welcomer message desc [message]

Change the Color of the Welcomer Embed Message:

/welcomer message title [hexcolor]

Add a Thumbnail on the Welcomer Embed Message:

/welcomer message thumbnail [imagelink]

Add a Image on the Welcomer Embed Message:

/welcomer message image [imagelink]

/welcomer message footer [message]

Set a Plain Message on the Welcomer Message, which can be sent with the combination of an Embed:

/welcomer message plain [message]

Remove/Reset Welcomer Embed:

/welcomer message embed disable

Welcomer Test Command:

/welcomer test

Last Updated: 9/6/2021, 1:18:37 PM